
The Rebalancing Journey

Discover and Learn to Co-Create the Life that you are meant
to Live as your Authentic Self

a 4 – month Spiritual Journey diving into the Depths of who you REALLY are and bringing the REAL YOU up to the surface to SHINE

I can’t wait to guide you from the life that you were born into to the life that is meant for you!
I can’t wait to help you release the shackles of this old life and show you how to align with the authentic new!
I can’t wait to see you become the empowered, conscious co-creator that you really are!

If deep down you know you are meant for more

We find ourselves at a pivotal moment in time as we transition to a new era, one that demands our evolution as humanity. While the Universe supports us, and evolution is a gradual process rather than an overnight adjustment, current cosmic alignments are placing increasing pressure on us to embrace authenticity. Authenticity is the key to our future. The choices we make today will profoundly impact the path that lies ahead. Change can be challenging, but it also presents a tremendous opportunity. The Rebalancing Journey Tribe Edition is meticulously crafted for those who are prepared to wholeheartedly embrace this new era and receive the support they truly deserve. It’s your chance to heal, transform, and shine in a world that desperately needs more authenticity.

It’s time to let go of the past and heal our old wounds and trauma’s that are keeping us stuck.

It’s time to release your limiting beliefs and learn how the Universe really works

It’s time to reconnect with your Essence, realise you are worthy and loved and learn to love yourself.

It’s time to finally step into your true purpose and gain clarity on the impact you’re meant to create for the world with your authentic gifts, allowing you to live a truly fulfilled life.

It is time to find your Tribe and start co-creating a new future for Humanity.

Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey with us and receive unwavering guidance and support every step of the way?

This is perfect for you if…

You feel that the life you are living isn’t your own, like you accepted a general pre-made mold that doesn’t really fit you and that doesn’t make you happy.

You are struggling to get your life back on the rails because you feel lost and stuck and don’t know how to move forward. I’ll show you the way

You feel a profound calling to fulfill a higher purpose, to stand at the forefront of humanity’s evolution, and to become a living example of what is possible.

You have an interest in spirituality and/or self-development but fail to implement the actual basics into your day-to-day life, so nothing is really shifting.

What will this journey do for you?

Discover the transformational outcomes and benefits of this journey:

Deep Healing and Transformation: Embark on a journey to release the emotional baggage and trauma that have held you back. Build a profound partnership with your body, fostering holistic well-being. Reprogram outdated belief systems, aligning them with your authentic values for lasting transformation.

Mindfulness and Awareness: Awaken your perception and awareness, living each moment mindfully. Learn the art of distinguishing reality from personal interpretation. Develop a profound sense of clarity and presence in your daily life.

Energetic and Emotional Mastery: Unlock your energy by removing emotional blockages that hinder vitality. Authentically embody the emotional states you desire while welcoming abundance by releasing resistance.

Universal Principles and Higher Self Integration: Integrate universal principles of creation into your daily existence. Take the courageous step into your higher self, co-creating the life meant uniquely for you.

Potential Extra Benefits: Experience physical healing and a heightened sense of well-being. Overcome depression, regaining boundless energy. Undergo a profound personal transformation, stepping into empowerment. Contribute to the creation of a better world through your authenticity.

Why listen to me?

Hey, I’m Steffie, your Spirit Guide Inc.

When I first embraced the title ‘Spirit Guide Inc,’ it felt whimsical, almost like a playful nickname. And the mission to help people become their authentic selves? It sounded like a nice summary of my goals.

But what I didn’t realize then was the profound cosmic resonance within these words. My journey, marked by unconventional choices and guided by intuition, often seemed puzzling. I walked paths less travelled, which, to some, may have seemed strange or unconventional.

Now, these paths converge with cosmic alignment. My diverse experiences and studies have equipped me with the tools and insights needed at this very moment. This program isn’t just a passion; it’s a calling—an integral part of my contribution to humanity’s authenticity re-evolution.

For more on my academic and professional background, visit the ‘About Me’ section on my website. But if you’re ready to embrace this new era, receive the support you deserve, and embark on an authentic journey, you’re in the right place. Let’s explore together.

The Offer

The Rebalancing Journey

Discover what’s included in your journey:

A Personalized 16-Week Transformational Journey:

A personalised program tailored to your unique needs and goals.

This includes:

– Weekly one-on-one guidance and therapy sessions: 2 x week (64h total) to dive deep into your transformation.
(REGULAR VALUE 70.000SEK (6150€))
– Access to ask me questions and seek support via WhatsApp or Telegram whenever you need it.
(REGULAR VALUE 10.000SEK (880€))
– Flexibility to postpone the process in case of unavailability like vacation, work stuff, health issues,…


35.000SEK (2999€)

Reserving your spot can only be done by contacting me directly in a free Rebalancing Journey Start call

Payments can be made by PayPal or credit card


This is what some of my clients have to say about working with me

Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.

Brené Brown